SSSS Annual Meeting 2022


31 March + 1st April 2022 - HAFL Zollikofen

Program >


Call for Posters

There are still free spots for posters! We accept scientific contributions as well as inputs from application and practice. Abstracts for posters can still be submitted until 10 March 2022.
Abstract Template Posters >


Participation in the conference is possible WITHOUT a Covid certificate. The programme sent by post to our members still contains a contrary indication. The programme had to go to print before the Federal Council decision due to our General Assembly deadlines.
Registration: Go to form >


The booking of an accommodation is the responsibility of the participants. Rooms have been reserved especially for the SSSS at the following website:
Reserved accomodation >




Registration deadline 10.03.2022

Call for posters
Deadline 10.03.2022
